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Feedback Guido Parente

Feedback Guido Parente - StudyNaturopathyGuidoParente

Feedback 2009

Feedback 2009 - StudyNaturopathyGuidoParente

I would like to share with visitors of the site my experience.

I came in and Dr. Parente would say casually,

in fact we met by chance in an evening with friends.

That evening I had a sharp pain that I was from the neck

up to the shoulder blade.

A cross between a stiff neck and a contracture ... something

very annoying and I had already had in the past, those things

without a remedy that you keep hoping that it passes as soon

as possible.

Dr. Parente has noticed that I had pain and asked me what it was.

Between a chat and another he asked me hands on the painful

point and the surrounding area.

A strange warmth emanating from his hands ... after a few minutes

it identified the exact spot from which started the inflammation ...

a sharp pain in which lingered ...

Well, from there a few minutes I passed everything and that

kind of pain that I had brought back for days in the past, it

is no longer reintroduced.

I must confess that I was a bit 'skeptical but after this experience

if I have some other disorder, I would try first pranotherapy

which is certainly less invasive than traditional medicine,

which by the way I try, as far as possible, not to resort

unless absolutely necessary.

Virginia T. November 2009



Dear Dr. Parente ,


hours later in the day feel a vibration at the center of the heart

........ maybe today I met an extraterrestrial

  gently touching my body ,

with a rare grace has brought me into contact with deep emotion .......

perhaps not coincidentally happened today ......

..... And unknowingly She greeted and loose my pain .......

generated abreaction ...

why today what it was the last tenuous link with

my father stopped living just before the meeting like .......

after so long I could cry and shake ........

who knows how he dear Dr. Parente , I know that I needed .....

. ...... with his Pranotherapy told me something about myself

so intense and long- repressed in recent months ....

My father died in end of November ......

know since I was not able to cry more so freely and smoothly .......

I'm surprised , moved and grateful

Marina T. , 17/04/2009

Feedback 2010

Feedback 2010 - StudyNaturopathyGuidoParente

Dear Guido, sometimes words do not do justice to hear ....

.and what we experienced in the Seminar on Massage

Armonico Antistress with Tibetan Bells was wonderful

Thanks for your great feeling .... deep empathy .....  thanks

for the Light that brings in you .... impossible not to see it, and not feel it.
I am happy to know that there is still someone who deeply loves

the human being ....... and to dedicated part of his life to this.

I really loved your great humility, in small gestures that almost

wanted to hide ...
I embrace you giving you the little light that dwells in my heart so

your life is always a magical gift of love.
Michela M. Udine December 6, 2010


I would like to thank dr. Guido Parente for the professionalism and

competence found in the Prana therapy treatments received in his studio.

I have a problem of articulation of the right hand; it seems that

comes from the upper part of the column which, with rotation of the

torso and neck pain, makes me hard to resolve this issue

I carry with me for several years.

Dr. Guido is very sensitive approach shows with

pathologies of their patients, or rather should I say friends because

He can also put you at ease during therapy,

as would a friend to whom you have asked for advice for your problem.
Thanks Guido.

Paul D.S., Rome September 19, 2010


Dear Guido,
I intend to thank you publicly for having taken excruciating

pain nestled in the soul ..... the loss of a loved one.
There are no medications that can help, it's not like a bad back

, only time can soothe the dull pain that accompanies

you day and night .... but we must spend so much .....

and you with the "Prana and the Tibetan Bells "in a few

sessions you miraculously shortened the time!

Invitation with my message all people who suffer from

a non-physical pain to turn to yourself that you have a wonderful gift.
Thank you so much!

Paola B. August 28, 2010

"Nothing happens by chance is the source of all light.

He who has ears to hear will grasp ..."
Dear Guido, this step has made me think of you, and without hesitation,

thank you and my life to have you brought to my path with your healing methods.

The Pranotherapy and Tibetan Bells, with a few sessions have raised me to be

a pain with which convivevo years for two hernias, cervical and lumbar.

My rational mind has always kept me away from such practices and did

not think to solve a pain so deep, with the laying on of hands and

the pleasant vibrations of bells.

After just one session, I felt a great benefit! There was no suggestion!

Too much rationality hugs me, but the pain with which

convivevo has finally unlocked!

Stress, caused by my demanding profession, is fading and it makes me also react to the diet.

This evening I reflected and I thank you publicly, because who knows

how many friends suffering from various aches and you could smile again ...

smile I nearly lost without your care!

My quality of life is getting better ...

I can not resist telling you a heartfelt GRAZIEEEEE !!!!

Rosalba E., Rome July 22, 2010


I want my testimony to thank Dr. Guido Parente, primarily


for the intellectual honesty of its therapeutic proposal (which is becoming increasingly rare).

But let's step back: my mother, almost eighty years old,

suffers from time to a form of osteoarthritis deforming the

lumbosacral spine exacerbated by a marked osteoporosis,

and this gives her very annoying pain, difficulty walking

and other things about which no I stop.
Some time ago Dr. Parente has shown me a different

therapeutic approach to try to alleviate this suffering,

based on pranotherapy.

The thing that struck me most was the frankness with

which Dr. Parente presented its therapeutic proposal,

emphasizing the fact that "miracles" but it would not

have made an attempt to at least alleviate the pain.

Well, after being subjected to several sessions of Prana,

my mother actually got the benefits, also aided by the

use of a walker, among other things, recommended by

Dr. Parente, to which my thanks and above the patient

He has been able to experience the use of this therapy.

Thanks again

Vincenzo M. June 17, 2010

I am writing about a fact, to which I would never have believed.

I have always been pessimistic regarding the "PRANOTERAPIA"

and now that I've proven to myself I changed my mind.

Everything happened in a chance encounter in my room after

the Dott. Guido Parente seeing with elastic cuff asked me what I had done.

I told my vicissitude that I carry around two years for a random

accident in the gym with a very heavy barbell.
A nagging tendinitis that have never managed to cure after various

physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory treatment.

One afternoon, Dr. Guido Parente, in my place, with great simplicity,

availability and reliability, unless I had ever seen, made me sit,

I exercised with great professionalism his therapy for about 15 minutes,

precisely the PRANOTERAPIA.

The doctor acted turning his hands towards my right wrist, where

I feel pain just two years.
This therapy has been going on for two more sessions and I now no

longer feel the pain that I felt long ago.

After this story, I recommend everyone the PRANOTERAPIA,

that can help solve many troubles of various nature.

As for Dr. Guido Parente I wish you the greatest fortunes

in his field, where his professionalism, his seriousness

and his honor, they will always be on top.

Claudio May 21, 2010

it's'unthinkable what happened to me.


If I had not personally experienced stenterei believe it.

For five years I suffer from carpometacarpal osteoarthritis

and early osteoarthritis of the hands. After ruling out surgery

for carpometacarpal osteoarthritis, I started pharmacological

treatment without escape the infiltrative intra-articular therapy.

Some benefit, passed the acute pain intra-articular injection, the treatment gave him.

So at a distance of months I came to redo the intra-articular

injections to be able to unscrew a jar, open the front door with the key

, pruning roses, but also move small objects in the house without pain,

or at least not much.
In my constant search of cures I have met, dr. Guido Parente,

an inspired meeting.

I walked into his studio hesitant, perplexed, certainly intrigued.

They came out from the first pranotherapy without the pain

that accompanied me constantly for years, even when I did not use my hands.

Without even the pain that persisted to the pressure at the base of the thumb.
I was incredulous, amazed, happy.

In a few sessions pranotherapy I could remember what it means

to be able to move your hands without pain and without

the expectation of the pain, I have found a greater availability of energy,

they are happier.

I do not know why this happens, I do not ask, they

live the benefits and I thank Dr. Guido Parente.

Always try, this is the thought that it reinforces in me after

this experience that define positive is limiting.

I thank Dr. Parente for the concrete help that thanks to its intangible gift he gave me.
Bruna V. April 7, 2010

Feedback 2011

Feedback 2011 - StudyNaturopathyGuidoParente

can write something ?

I met Guido Parente at a time " terrible " of my life

... already on the phone gave me a wonderful serenity.

We talked , made ​​me speak and then gave me a few

words an indescribable serenity.

Then I followed his course on Tibetan bells .

It was a fantastic experience.

I can say I was 150% happy to have met Guido .

Even now every time we phone and know that a person

noble in spirit as he is interested in me makes me feel " happy " .

I, as a doctor, I had never had contact with pranotherapists ,

but I changed my mind . GUIDO PARENTE there would many in the world .

And I say " THANK YOU to exist GUIDO " . A hug and this morning

I felt to give this testimony ...

Silvia d . Merano No November 24, 2011



State that I am hungry for feelings ... I do not very easily

expose, but today I have to express my joy, my happiness,

the fullness of my heart x have met someone like you .....

I felt sincerity .. Naturalness, a strong empathy that only a

few have and that only a few have passed on to me !!

Let's say I do not do their part of the holistic world ...

but these bells that still had felt instinctively attracted me like a magnet.

That morning I was about to not come because they

had buffered the car my husband into the court ...

but I hurried up everything and have come ... there is a reason!

Now I know!!!

I needed to meet someone, or something, indeed we needed

... I'm pregnant at the sixth month of Richard and ohhh

(I am now writing and Riccardo moves .... was good all day ... look a bit).

I wish I could close that energy that I felt today in a small

bottle and drink a sorsino every now .... !!

Crazy energy, felt like a vortex, a suction inside ...

the Bell on the 4th chakra first heavy and a bit annoying

then as light as a relief ... I'd like to place a bell on the

5th chakra but Riccardo took all the space ... when I was

on the couch with the baby Bells was still ... (I cmq I had

my eyes closed and I was relaxed, so I could not see what was going on) ...

then I felt a strong heat and Riccardo has moved in a different way,

as if following a line or path .... and I happy to feel it ...

then I opened my eyes and I saw that on your stomach

there ' it was nothing ... a strange feeling ... my abdomen was lighter.

I came home even slight head ... I was quiet and serene ...!

Happy ... the night I slept very little ... but I look like a zombie

... so I can say positive day ... as you say I recharged so much

... I hope to meet you on other occasions it is ... worth meet you ...

you ... you ciaooooooo ....... and good life ....

Stefania O. Pescara - November 5, 2011



Eleven eyes open to receive and welcome the Spirit of Healing

entrusted to the expert care of Guido Parente wave sound and

vibration of Tibetan bowls in synergy with pranotherapy .

The energy permeating elevandomi resounded to a state

of subtle perceptions point of rendering expanded and indistinct .

Experience on the deep . The beginning of knowledge and release

of the self .

A significant number of participants in the seminar : " ELEVEN " .

A clear reference to numerology Tantric Yogi Bhajan where the Eleventh body

- not the body , including the ten bodies Subtle Energy and the One : the Soul .

The sunshine , the attention and Guido Parente Energy have meant

that each of us participants in the seminar has benefited from

Ray of Light that melted the blocks and smiles .

Thanks Guido

Alessandra D.F. , Pescara , November 5, 2011



Not always see them , breathe them or touches them,

the colors of the soul .

This is the experience that I feel I have lived today.

Immersed in an intimate magnificent powerful vibrato

sound ancestral and again as a newborn .

Tibetan bell .

Wave intact , straight and pure as a silk thread and

wide in endless circles of the same center.

Where 's your sound, cupped by the seven metals ,

what really explore crescent, do you want me round like

a uterus intact and like a queen ?

Daniela Dorigo , Udine 1/10/2011


I found Dr. Guido Parente for coincidences of life,

on Facebook.

After having had an exchange of mails, we had a

cordial telephone conversation to know what were

my problems, after this, I went into his study.

I'm a nurse (so addicted, accustomed to conventional

therapy of western) medicine, in short, I was stuck in

service from a "whiplash" (2008).

After repeated MRI was compiled diagnosis of "dorsal

vertebra protrusion 10, 11 and dorsal herniated lumbar

herniated Expulsion 5 and sacral 1 of about 15mm, EMG

(electromyogram) positive lower limbs, with the chronic

degeneration Sciatic Nerve".

In summary, severe back pain, very difficult to sleep in

any position, feeling of having as a shock to the entire

leg and severe pain only simple skin touch and numbness

in the same sitting.

I was recommended a cyclic treatment with cortisone,

painkillers, muscle relaxants, individual physiotherapy,

gymnastics, acupuncture in exacerbations, orthotics and

shoes suitable for work rather expensive.

Since this therapy I had occasional benefits, returned

contained herniation, but symptoms in media always present ...

until I heard the Tibetan Bells and I talked to Dr. Parente.

We have had three meetings, in which they are fused sounds,

vibrations, heat energy contacts arising from his hands,

dialogues about our misadventures (that's right, not only

my own but also his) tears, but mostly spontaneity and

openness to talk, openness to dialogue, listening.

During treatment of Prana and Bell Tibetan, I was reminded

of the moments of my childhood I was trying to take away

the pain in the back of my grandmother, to get out quickly

from the doctor's office and get me so buy a game and pizza .

A selfish desire for an 8 year old girl, who loved her grandmother

to the point of help, but that unconsciously growing up, brought

her back the same pain grandmother, feeling guilty because

he thought only his ludo.

The second meeting the pain has significantly regressed,

right now there is just a feeling of "ovattamento" and I can touch

my leg without feeling the deadly quake and ... I still cry because

I realized that when you think you do not have a way out,

you have to stop, open your mind, your heart and your ears

to perceive that around you is opening a road, there is a

bridge that will facilitate the transition to the success ...

My bridge was Guido


Emanuela F., Rome September 22, 2011



I had in the past, many problems related to the respiratory tract ....

pneumonia and bronchopneumonia, and the last one was really devastating,

I had constant fevers also very high up to 41 ° with a very devastating

effect on me because they already suffering from " organic deterioration

"I will not forgive me, specify further ....

Dear he offers to come to my house .... the now ravaging fever and

I felt a dagger thrust in the chest ...

I now feel that life leaving me much the same I could not breathe and

the pain was weakening my strength and vital energy.

We began with an interview of enjoyable knowledge, he demonstrates

an extraordinary involvement in the issue that was mine alone; takes

my hands and immediately feel a warmth never tried before, a feeling

of "feel good" ... therapy proceeds with singing bowls, and really

I must say it was a truly unique experience that sound is lovely

and intoxicating at the same time. ... in short, I spent days without pain.

After a few days, I went to the control plate and the outbreak had greatly reduced !!!

We continued with other 5 sessions until complete healing,

the use of drugs has been very marginal, I am sure about

is that the state of his extraordinary energy!

Thanks Guido, my chest now breathe !!

Cristina L. September 9, 2011


Dear Guido,

at a critical moment of my vacation in the mountains,

my spirit guide led me to you!

various problems of family and professional nature

had worsened me a personal clinical picture already

slightly compromised in sorting a state of great anxiety

and resulting in severe arrhythmia and shortness of breath

due, also, to the closing of the solar plexus.

A few sessions of Prana therapy and anti-stress massage

with singing bowls, as well as psychosomatic pranotherapy,

have greatly improved my state of health, thus allowing me

to still enjoy my holiday.

The constant attention later accorded me from a distance with

continuous psychological support posts and affectionate interest

the progress of my state of health, have moved me and made

more optimistic towards my neighbor.

Thank you very much, Guido, for everything you're really a nice person!

I embrace you affectionately

Paola S. Brescia, August 23, 2011



Dear Guido,

Thanks for being a presence so delicate,

but able to make their mark.

We felt immersed in a universe of sounds,

in an ocean of vibrations that were a counterpoint to our

ancient ancestral roots vibrating in unison, while you,

wise Alchemist, you were going to evoke the great

power miraculous Harmonic.

Vibrating sounds so apparently unknown but that our soul

recalled and recognized ...

It 'was a profound experience ... definitely worth repeating ...

Thanks !!

Maria Justina P. Udine March 30, 2011


I am 45 years old and for some years I suffer recurrently

to tear the muscles of the lower back. I have been diagnosed

of sharp protrusions that are not curable unless surgically.

Through friendships I have heard repeatedly

mention the PRANOTERAPIA, I am however always

been intrigued but I postponed the approach perhaps

out of laziness or skepticism.

This winter, after yet another tear in skiing, I decided

to try this technique, a series of coincidences and common

friends I met Guido Parente.

The first time I was by him I was under the influence

of painkillers and anti curative drugs, I am lying on his bed to

undergo at the first session with remarkable effort because of the pain.

During the session I felt completely new sensations, a mix of

relaxation and abandonment, and I felt strong heat on the parts

of the body that he touched. At the end of the session, ended wit

h the rite of TIBETAN BELLS, was virtually Came To sleep.

In get up I found that back pain was almost completely gone,

I could hardly take note and I did not say anything to Guido.

The feeling of relaxation accompanied me throughout the evening

and night and the pain showed no signs of recurrence. Still a bit '

skeptical I said "will be the result of my self-delusion."

Now, after more than 2 months and 6 sessions, I can say that it was not.

Not only I have not had any kind of disorder (with this I can not

claim to be healed from my protrusions) but have become my

mental sensations resembling spontaneity, safety, peace of mind

which in the past sometimes found it hard to overlook.

Everything I think is born from the deep and comprehensive Guido

Parente capacity that was able to put me at ease, and send me the

peace that all of us should try, especially living in a world that

increasingly resembles a hostile place rather than to a nest.

In my small way I try to tell as much as possible my new

experience so that those wishing to try, but it did not have

the courage or the confidence can let go.

Surely I do not need, for the moment, of a session a week

but I do not I would deprive more and I think that at least

once or twice a month I will continue to give me this moment

of peace just mine.

Massimo C., Rome March 24, 2011


I had heard of Tibetan bells and the rebalancing

of the subtle vibrations but I had never experienced in person .

Along with Guido , who led us into this world to perceive

and transmit the energy through other channels ,

I experienced the impulse balancing of the vibrations .

The vibrations ran into me through the bells and

I felt a great inner peace , my silence blended with

the harmony of the notes issued by the bells and given

me a great sense of well-being , the discovery of the

primordial sound , of our origins , that makes

us connect to our primary source.

Thanks Guido !

Laura G. Udine February 26, 2011



Feedback 2012

Feedback 2012 - StudyNaturopathyGuidoParente

Dear Guido in Italy goes ahead and makes career only people

who do not deserve it ... just 'cause recommended or because'

they are children of someone famous !!

People like you deserve the best !!!

But you're a part of the other face of Italy ... the real one and clean.

We would like other people like you, but you are in a few hold on !!

A hug

Silvia G., Facebook 2 / XII / 2012


Dear Guido, your course has given me so much serenity,

more security, more love for myself.

Also because I have noticed that if I'm good about myself,

I'm fine with others.

Your explanations were simple, clear, easy to understand.

Your mighty hand gave me warmth and relaxation.

I was fine! Because of you.

Angelarosa G., Bisceglie November 15, 2012



to you who have given so much in a short time, to you

that you transmit so many things in a sentence made up

of few words .. you and your availability .. and a special

thanks to the energy that never abandons us, neither night

nor day, which comes to us in moments of weakness, which

is in our favor when we take charge of our lives, as a whole,

with its objectives, with his dreams and the determination to

look on the bright side of everything, but especially with the

insight, the determination and the will to look within themselves

before they even realize what's going on out!

THANKS TO YOU, because you are among those people, of which

people need to surround yourself to believe in themselves, to feel

part of himself ...

It 'was a good seminar to Bisceglie full of coincidences, emotions,

and revelations ... a hug and a NICE DAY!

Grace S., Bisceglie November 15, 2012


Thanks Guido, after a period of stress, your course

on "Harmonious -Vibrazionale Massage with Tibetan Bells"

was good for my body, even if tired to shifts, (I'm a midwife),

I felt good and energetic.

I can not wait to put the work my bell!

I hope to have further opportunities to meet the group,

I liked the atmosphere that has been created between all

of us (the bathroom "harmonious sun" doing all along, has energized and united us).

See you soon!

Maria Carmela S., Bisceglie November 14, 2012




Treatment ever experienced, the original of its kind!

I'm going through a period fraught with conflict, confusion

and feelings "undigested" are not spelled out in a timely manner

, all this leads me to suffer a negative state and desperately "crippling".

The treatment of "Prana and massage Harmonic-Vibrational

with Tibetane® Bells", brought me gradually to a short "trip" in which

was clearly evident with greater awareness: your body speaks,

expresses discomfort, the body goes into a more immediate way

through the expression of their own.

muscle contractures present were forcefully liberated during treatment.

The operator's hands, full of positive energy and soothing have

suggested to me that was what I needed at that time.

The spontaneous breaking of my weeping was a manifestation

of liberation and ... slowly Guido, you have been able to identify

some of those "knots" until yesterday not loose ...!

The nervousness is also evident on me through bruxism, well after

the treatment, I was surprised, not digrignavo more teeth!

The sound of the bells gave me the feeling that all the "vibration"

energy could readjust with, and through my body, with, and through my spirit!

A sense of "peace" has pervaded me to the possibility that I was able

to give me later, a relaxing sleep and "riappacificante" with the part of

me who does not granted long ceased to ...!

Thank you so much, Guido!

Maretta F., Rome October 31, 2012


An annoying epicondylitis arms took me over to my serenity,

many passions dear to me: being able to play guitar and drums,

do juggling, do sports and the loss of an important competition

in the Police that was almost won.

I entered a period so that threw me down like never before,

and I started looking for solutions and ways to regain my full health.

The case has led me to the knowledge of Guido and his pranotherapy.

This can tell Guido, he went beyond the problem, led me where

is the origin of my negative energies and showed me the key to

find me and all my dormant potential.

With great affection and esteem thanks Guido!

Sario St., Altamura June 3, 2012



Friends, tonight I did a session of pranotherapy and Tibetan
bell, by Guido Parente, I was fine. Great energy, relax and wellness !!!!!! Gabriella M. Rome, May 16, 2012 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ The words to thank you are not able to find them ... A cup emptied and ready to be filled. A vibrating cup
in great harmony ... That's how I feel now. It pervades a superior peace, never tried, never granted,
that I never granted. The aphonia, a gift today. What a power. Infinitely thank you ... a vibe that 'began,

a vibration that I wish to continue, a vibration that harmonizes me. That harmony that I can give with a big smile as well, as big as ever ...
The smile of my soul! The afonia that forces me to listen, which allows me to use the voice
in another way, with other tones, other volumes. Myself to listen because I can not be heard ... Of myself and of others,
listening ... Amare remaining in deep listening, retrieve the item after a great pleasure,
smile still maintaining a low voice ... Listening. In perfect vibration. Thanks Guido, thanks for the new beginning that you gave to my life ... Thanks! Erika V. Milano, 2 May 2012 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§

Thanks for tesami hand in times of distress .

Conchita , Avellino - April 8, 2012


Dear Guido ,
First of all , I want to thank you for letting

me take part in the seminar on " Harmonious -Vibrazionale Massage

with Tibetan bells" , which allowed me to "learn " their origin and

to date their infinite positive energy that broadcast .

For me , hear the sound of bells and the vibrations on my body

aroused me a wonderful feeling of well-being , while being aware of

my contractions .

The amazing thing is that when I got home I was serene and peaceful

and this has allowed me to deal with the situation calmly !!

Thanks again.

Paola E. , Rome January 23, 2012




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Studio Naturopatia Guido Parente